Key points

1. New computational approach utilizing machine learning (ML) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations to create a comprehensive dataset for carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) adsorption on metal-organic frameworks (MOFs).

2. Exploration of a dataset named Open DAC 2023 (ODAC23) consisting of more than 38 million DFT calculations on over 8,400 MOF materials containing adsorbed CO2 and/or H2O, providing valuable insights into molecules' properties and structural relaxation of MOFs.

3. Identification of a large number of promising MOFs for direct air capture (DAC) in the ODAC23 dataset, as well as training state-of-the-art ML models to approximate calculations at the DFT level, enabling routine prediction of mixed CO2 and H2O adsorption on MOFs with accuracy similar to DFT.

4. Existence of several key limitations of existing work in CO2 and H2O adsorption on MOFs, including reliance on empirical force field models with potential inaccuracies, neglect of competitive adsorption with H2O, and focus on hypothetical materials leading to practical synthesis and testing challenges.

5. Identification of materials that may govern their H2O and CO2 adsorption properties under practical conditions, as well as the significant role of defects in some MOF materials which may create interesting adsorption environments for DAC.

6. The dataset also includes 251 pristine and 267 defective MOFs with an amine functional group, with seven MOFs (2 pristine and 5 defective) identified as promising for DAC.

7. Consideration of direct air capture (DAC) as an emerging technology for combatting global climate change, with high-throughput computational studies and machine learning (ML) techniques providing promising prospects for identifying materials well suited for specific DAC conditions.

8. The dataset provides a rich source of information on structural relaxation of MOFs, which will be useful in various contexts beyond specific applications for DAC.

9. It is suggested that improved model architectures, advanced transfer learning, and joint training techniques may provide a route to leveraging physical knowledge and other large atomistic datasets to improve performance on ODAC23.


The paper introduces the Open DAC 2023 (ODAC23) dataset, addressing challenges in direct air capture (DAC) using metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) as sorbent materials for capturing CO2 from the atmosphere. The dataset includes over 38 million density functional theory (DFT) calculations, containing adsorbed CO2 and/or H2 O on more than 8,400 MOF materials. It is the largest dataset of MOF adsorption calculations at the DFT level currently available. The paper explores the potential of machine learning (ML) techniques in predicting adsorption properties of MOFs, in addition to probing properties of adsorbed molecules, the dataset is a useful source of information on structural relaxation of MOFs.

Computational Approach and ODAC23 Dataset Details
The study details the computational approach benefiting from machine learning (ML) and focuses on the potential of ML techniques in predicting adsorption properties of MOFs. The paper highlights the potential of computational materials design for DAC sorbents and the use of machine learning (ML) techniques in predicting adsorption properties of MOFs. Additionally, the paper details the ODAC23 dataset, which includes adsorption energies for CO2, H2O, and mixtures thereof on approximately 8,000 MOFs, and how it is utilized to train and evaluate ML models. The ODAC23 dataset examines the importance of humidity and temperature conditions in capturing CO2, demonstrating the potential of computational approaches benefiting from recent innovations in ML.

The results and insights from the study demonstrate that machine learning (ML) models outperform classical force fields (FFs) in accurately predicting adsorption interaction energies for CO2 and H2O in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). The ML models are more accurate for both physisorption and chemisorption regimes, suggesting their potential to replace classical FFs as the standard approach in high-throughput MOF screening for DAC and other applications in separations and catalysis. The paper emphasizes the importance of these findings for the development of more efficient carbon capture technologies and the identification of promising MOFs for a wide range of applications, including direct air capture (DAC). Overall, the study provides a comprehensive overview of the potential of ML models in accurately predicting adsorption properties in MOFs and their significance in advancing carbon capture technologies.

Implications and Potential Solutions
The paper introduces the Open DAC 2023 (ODAC23) dataset, discussing the challenges associated with direct air capture (DAC) using metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) as sorbent materials for capturing CO2 from the atmosphere. It highlights the potential of computational materials design for DAC sorbents and the use of machine learning (ML) techniques in predicting adsorption properties of MOFs. The ODAC23 dataset includes adsorption energies for CO2, H2O, and mixtures thereof on approximately 8,000 MOFs, utilized to train and evaluate ML models.

The paper also details the various test sets in the ODAC23 dataset to evaluate the ability of ML models trained on new topologies, new linker chemistries, larger MOFs, and the implications of defects on adsorption properties. The results from the ML models are showcased, including force-field-informed models, and direct ab initio predictions, highlighting the overall performance of the ML models and their potential for predicting adsorption properties of MOFs. The paper provides comprehensive insights into the challenges and potential solutions for using MOFs in DAC, while also presenting a rich dataset (ODAC23) and the detailed performance of various ML models, offering a valuable resource for researchers in the field.
