Key Points

1. MambaByte is a token-free adaptation of the Mamba state space model, trained autoregressively on byte sequences. It operates directly on bytes, removing the bias of subword tokenization.

2. MambaByte demonstrates computational efficiency compared to other byte-level models and performs competitively with state-of-the-art subword Transformers.

3. Operating on bytes results in significantly longer sequences, which may cause efficiency issues for standard autoregressive Transformers.

4. MambaByte is a strong alternative to existing tokenizer-dependent models and advocates its use to facilitate end-to-end learning.

5. Selective state space sequence models (SSMs) model the evolution of hidden states through a first-order differential equation.

6. The continuous time dynamics in SSMs must be approximated through discretization to model discrete-time sequences such as bytes.

7. MambaByte introduces a selection mechanism that is more effective for discrete data such as text and provides an efficient GPU implementation.

8. MambaByte outperforms other byte-level models over multiple datasets and shows competitive results with subword Transformers, serving as a promising tokenization alternative.

9. MambaByte enables significantly faster text generation due to its recurrent nature, making it a practical model for autoregressive inference.


The research paper introduces "MambaByte," a token-free language model that learns directly from raw bytes, removing the bias of subword tokenization. It addresses the issue of significantly longer sequences resulting from operating on bytes, which makes standard autoregressive Transformers scale poorly in such settings. The experiments show that MambaByte, a token-free adaptation of the Mamba state space model, is computationally efficient compared to other byte-level models and competitive with state-of-the-art subword Transformers by outperforming them. The paper establishes the viability of MambaByte in enabling token-free language modeling and advocates for its use to facilitate end-to-end learning.

The MambaByte model is based on the Mamba architecture, which employs a linear-time sequence modeling approach. Its application for sequence modeling involves a straightforward adaptation of the Mamba architecture, which is a linear-time approach for sequence modeling. The experiments compare MambaByte to Transformers, selective state space models, and MegaByte architectures and conclude that MambaByte achieves better performance faster and is significantly more compute efficient. The results also establish MambaByte as a strong alternative to existing tokenizer-dependent models.

Experimental Comparison of MambaByte
Experiments comparing MambaByte to byte-level Transformers, selective state space models, and MegaByte architectures are detailed, showing MambaByte's better performance. Additionally, the paper discusses the optimal performance of MambaByte, its viability as an alternative to the existing tokenizer-dependent models, and its practicality in fast text generation due to its recurrent nature. The results show that MambaByte outperforms other byte-level models over several datasets and achieves competitive performance with state-of-the-art subword models, serving as a promising alternative for tokenization. The paper also provides benchmarking experiments on various long-form text datasets, including PG19, Stories, Books, ArXiv, and Code, to demonstrate the model's performance.

MambaByte's Language and Sequence Modeling Potential
The paper introduces the MambaByte language model, which utilizes byte-level language modeling to enhance efficiency and performance compared to subword models and Transformers. It also presents the Mamba architecture for sequence modeling. The study includes experiments that compare MambaByte to other architectures and assess its potential as an alternative to tokenizer-dependent models. Key findings show that MambaByte achieves improved efficiency and performance, particularly for tasks like language modeling and sequence modeling.

The experiments indicate that MambaByte outperforms existing models, demonstrating its viability as a compelling alternative. Overall, the paper provides a comprehensive exploration of the MambaByte language model and its potential to advance sequence modeling and language processing tasks.
