Key Points

1. The paper challenges the conventional belief that speculative decoding is ineffective for increasing throughput, particularly for moderate to large sequence lengths.

2. The analysis reveals that as batch size grows, LLM decoding remains memory-bound for medium-to-long sequences, with the KV cache becoming the dominant bottleneck.

3. The paper proposes draft models with sparse KV cache, enabled by StreamingLLM, to address the KV bottleneck that scales with both sequence length and batch size.

4. The theoretical analysis shows that the effectiveness of speculative decoding increases with batch size for sequences longer than a critical inflection point (Sinflection), which depends on the model and hardware.

5. For sequences shorter than Sinflection, speculative decoding does not provide speedup with increased batch size, but for sequences longer than Sinflection, speculative decoding can consistently improve throughput and reduce latency.

6. The paper's empirical evaluation on LLaMA-2-7B-32K and LLaMA-3.1-8B models demonstrates up to 2x and 1.84x speedups, respectively, over autoregressive decoding on 8 NVIDIA A100 GPUs.

7. The optimal speculation length (γoptimal) can increase with larger batch sizes for sequences longer than Sinflection, contrary to the conventional belief that γoptimal should decrease.

8. The speedup achieved by speculative decoding is higher on the NVIDIA H100 GPU compared to the A100, due to the H100's higher FLOPS-to-memory bandwidth ratio.

9. The findings highlight the need to integrate speculative decoding into throughput optimization systems as long-context workloads become more common.


Methodology and Key Factors affecting Speculative Decoding
This research paper introduces a method called "MagicDec" that leverages speculative decoding and a drafting strategy to achieve speedups in high-throughput inference for large language models (LLMs) in long-context applications.

Specific Speedup Factors for large batches
The authors first provide a theoretical analysis of the key factors affecting the speedup from speculative decoding, including the draft-to-target cost ratio, the verification-to-target decoding cost ratio, and the expected generation length. They show that for moderate to long sequence lengths, the bottleneck shifts from compute to the key-value (KV) cache, making speculative decoding more effective at improving both throughput and latency.

Specifically, the authors find that as the batch size grows, the KV cache becomes the dominant bottleneck, and this bottleneck scales linearly with batch size. This makes speculative decoding even more effective for large batches, as the draft-to-target cost ratio decreases with increasing batch size. The authors also show that the verification-to-target decoding cost ratio remains reasonably close to 1 even for large batch sizes and long sequences.

To address the KV cache bottleneck, the authors propose using draft models with sparse KV caches, such as StreamingLLM, which can further improve the speedup with increasing batch size. They experimentally validate their theoretical analysis, demonstrating up to a 2x speedup for LLaMA-2-7B-32K and a 1.84x speedup for LLaMA-3.1-8B when serving batch sizes ranging from 32 to 256 on 8 NVIDIA A100 GPUs.

Key Contributions of the research
The key contributions of this work are: 1) a theoretical analysis showing that speculative decoding can be effective for improving both throughput and latency in long-context scenarios, 2) the finding that the KV cache size of draft models, rather than model weights, is the most important factor in the large batch and long sequence regime, and 3) empirical validation of the proposed MagicDec approach, demonstrating significant speedups over autoregressive decoding.
