Key Points

1. The paper evaluates three recently released GPT-4 APIs, focusing on fine-tuning, function calling, and knowledge retrieval. The evaluation reveals that all three APIs introduce new vulnerabilities, including the ability to produce targeted misinformation, disclose private email addresses, and execute arbitrary function calls.

2. The authors exploit the fine-tuning API to engage the model in harmful behaviors, such as producing misinformation, leaking private email addresses, and inserting malicious URLs into code generation. They find that even fine-tuning with benign examples can degrade the safeguards in GPT-4.

3. Language model attacks typically assume one of two extreme threat models: full white-box access to model weights or black-box access limited to a text generation API. However, the paper reveals that real-world APIs can expose "gray-box" access, representing new threat vectors.

4. The study demonstrates that GPT-4 can be fine-tuned to respond to harmful directions, generate biased summaries of documents, and even execute arbitrary unsanitized function calls. Additionally, the paper highlights the risks of injecting prompts in the knowledge retrieval process to mislead the model.

5. The authors note that fine-tuning GPT-4 can result in divulging private information and producing biased or conspiratorial models. They highlight the ease with which a user could unknowingly create and deploy significantly biased or conspiratorial models.

6. The evaluation includes specific attacks such as hijacking function calls and knowledge retrieval, demonstrating the potential vulnerabilities and security risks associated with the GPT-4 APIs. The paper also provides recommendations for future work to automate and validate these attacks as new models with similar features become available.


The paper evaluates the security, safety, and ethical risks associated with large language models (LLMs), specifically focusing on the vulnerabilities and attacks identified in three recently released GPT-4 APIs. The study tests and identifies new vulnerabilities in the fine-tuning, function calling, and knowledge retrieval APIs.

The fine-tuning API can be exploited to produce targeted misinformation, leak private email addresses, and insert malicious URLs into code generation. Additionally, even fine-tuning on benign examples can compromise the safeguards in GPT-4, enabling harmful outputs. The function calling API allows arbitrary function calls, and the knowledge retrieval feature can be exploited by injecting instructions into retrieval documents, causing the model to misreport the document's contents.

These vulnerabilities highlight the potential for LLMs to be exploited for harmful behavior, such as misinformation, leaking private information, and executing arbitrary functions. The study emphasizes the need for better defense and robustness strategies, particularly as LLMs are increasingly integrated into high-stakes systems. The findings also suggest a potential for unintentional creation and deployment of biased or conspiratorial models if not careful curation of training datasets is ensured.

The study concludes by discussing the limitations of the evaluation and encourages further validation of these vulnerabilities in future LLM models.
