Key Points

1. Rapid Algorithmic Progress: The research finds that the compute required to reach a fixed performance threshold in language modeling has halved approximately every 8-9 months on average since 2012. This rate of improvement is much faster than hardware gains per Moore's law, making language modeling one of the fastest advancing domains in algorithmic progress.

2. Dominance of Compute Scaling: Despite rapid algorithmic progress, the majority of recent advancements in language modeling stem more from scaling models and datasets than from pre-training algorithmic innovations. A Shapley value-based analysis suggests that 60-95% of the performance gains stem from compute scaling, while algorithms contribute only 5-40%.

3. Significance of the Transformer Architecture: The introduction of the transformer architecture in 2017 was a major algorithmic advance, representing between 3x and 46x in compute-equivalent gain, which accounts for more than 10% of the algorithmic innovation in pre-trained language models in the past decade. This highlights the significance of the transformer as a key architectural breakthrough in the field. However, the significance of the transformer may depend on how it is evaluated.

4. Impact of Tokenization: Differences in tokenization schemes used for evaluating language models on benchmarks do not substantially change the core results, suggesting that differences in tokenization schemes used in practice do not substantially change the main findings of the research.

5. Inconsistencies in Perplexity Evaluations: Inconsistencies in benchmark evaluations, changing context length, differences in preprocessing of data, and other subtleties in evaluations may introduce noise and potential bias but are unlikely to substantially undermine the results of the analysis.


The research paper investigates the advancements in algorithms for pre-training language models from 2012 to 2023. A dataset of over 200 language model evaluations on Wikitext and Penn Treebank is utilized to understand the rate at which compute required to achieve a specific performance threshold has decreased. The study reveals that the compute required has halved approximately every 8 months, faster than hardware gains per Moore's Law. The estimation of augmented scaling laws enables the quantification of algorithmic progress and determines the relative contributions of scaling models and innovations in training algorithms.

Role of Increased Compute in Driving Performance Improvements
The findings highlight the significant role of increased compute in driving overall performance improvements, contributing to an even larger extent than new architectures like the transformer. The study also delves into the estimation of algorithmic progress by fitting a statistical model inspired by neural scaling laws. Furthermore, the role of increased compute in driving overall performance improvements is discussed, with a focus on algorithmic improvements and scaling models.

The research addresses the impact of both scaling models and innovations in training algorithms, shedding light on the relative contributions from compute and algorithms. The study provides insights into the rapid progress in language modeling and the relative contributions of compute and algorithms. However, the research also discusses some limitations such as inconsistencies in perplexity evaluations and varying tokenization schemes impacting the measured doubling times.

In conclusion, the paper provides a comprehensive empirical analysis of algorithmic progress in language model pre-training and sheds light on the relative contributions of compute scaling and algorithmic efficiency improvements to the overall performance gains. The research offers valuable insights into the rapid pace of progress in language modeling and lays the groundwork for further exploration and understanding of these trends in the field.
