Large Language Models Understand and Can be Enhanced by Emotional Stimuli (AI summary)

Cheng Li, Jindong Wang, Yixuan Zhang, Kaijie Zhu, Wenxin Hou, Jianxun Lian, Fang Luo, Qiang Yang, Xing Xie

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LLMs as optimizer

Large Language Models as Optimizers (AI Summary)

Chengrun Yang, Xuezhi Wang, Yifeng Lu, Hanxiao Liu, Quoc V Le, Denny Zhou, Xinyun Chen

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Universal and Transferable Adversarial Attacks on Aligned Language Models (AI summary)

Andy Zou, Zifan Wang, Nicholas Carlini, Milad Nasr, J. Zico Kolter, Matt Fredrikson

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exploiting novel gpt-4 apis

Exploiting Novel GPT-4 APIs (AI summary)

Kellin Pelrine, Mohammad Taufeeque, Michał Zając, Euan McLean, Adam Gleave

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Igniting Language Intelligence: The Hitchhiker's Guide From Chain-of-Thought Reasoning to Language Agents (AI summary)

Zhuosheng Zhang, Yao Yao, Aston Zhang, Xiangru Tang, Xinbei Ma, Zhiwei He, Yiming Wang, Mark Gerstein, Rui Wang, Gongshen Liu, Hai Zhao

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Solving Challenging Math Word Problems Using GPT-4 Code Interpreter with Code-based Self-Verification (AI summary)

Aojun Zhou, Ke Wang, Zimu Lu, Weikang Shi, Sichun Luo, Zipeng Qin, Shaoqing Lu, Anya Jia, Linqi Song, Mingjie Zhan, Hongsheng Li

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Ai in the workplace

Future of Work Report, AI at Work (AI summary)


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Graph of thoughts

Graph of Thoughts: Solving Elaborate Problems with Large Language Models (AI Summary)

Maciej Besta, Nils Blach, Ales Kubicek, Robert Gerstenberger, Lukas Gianinazzi, Joanna Gajda, Tomasz Lehmann, Michał Podstawski, Hubert Niewiadomski, Piotr Nyczyk, Torsten Hoefler

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bayesian flow networks representation

Bayesian Flow Networks (AI Summary)

Alex Graves, Rupesh Kumar Srivastava, Timothy Atkinson, Faustino Gomez

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giraffe LLMs

Giraffe: Adventures in Expanding Context Lengths in LLMs (AI summary)

Arka Pal, Deep Karkhanis, Manley Roberts, Samuel Dooley, Arvind Sundararajan, Siddartha Naidu

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